Deploy Sample Bootstrap Basic Website as Container inside Debian Linux
D ocker Images start from a base image. The base image should include the platform dependencies required by your application, for example, having the JVM or CLR installed. This base image is defined as an instruction in the Dockerfile. Docker Images are built based on the contents of a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile is a list of instructions describing how to deploy your application. In this example, our base image is the Alpine version of Nginx. This provides the configured web server on the Linux Alpine distribution. I assume that you already know the basics of Docker, and have it installed on your computer. If you haven’t any idea about containerization, then you can refer to this blog- Installation and Getting started with docker . Step 1 - Create Dockerfile Create your Dockerfile for building your image by copying the contents below into the editor. FROM nginx:alpine COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html The first line defines our base image. The second lin...