Python Script for Subnet-Calculator

Hi Guys,

Sometimes it is important for a network admins to assign an IP address to multiple devices by doing manual calculations if he is working for a small organization who are not able to afford big commercial tools to automatically assign the IP address.

This post will share with you a nice python script which helps you to calculate IP ranges available for given subnet mask and it will generate new IP for an admin to assign to a device.

Here is the screenshot of the output for reference so than you can determine whether this output will any role in the work routine.

Perquisites :

  1. You must have python installed. Python 3.7 or above. 
  2. You can also run this Python code in any other python supported IDE.

Here is the DFD (Data-Flow diagram) of our application :

Program Code:

        ############# Application #1 - Part #1 #############

import random
import sys

def subnet_calc():
        print ("\n")
        #Checking IP address validity
        while True:
            ip_address = input("Enter an IP address: ")
            #Checking octets         
            a = ip_address.split('.')
            if (len(a) == 4) and (1 <= int(a[0]) <= 223) and (int(a[0]) != 127) and (int(a[0]) != 169 or int(a[1]) != 254) and (0 <= int(a[1]) <= 255 and 0 <= int(a[2]) <= 255 and 0 <= int(a[3]) <= 255):
                print ( "\nThe IP address is INVALID! Please retry!\n")
        masks = [255, 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 192, 128, 0]
        #Checking Subnet Mask validity
        while True:
            subnet_mask = input("Enter a subnet mask: ")
            #Checking octets         
            b = subnet_mask.split('.')
            if (len(b) == 4) and (int(b[0]) == 255) and (int(b[1]) in masks) and (int(b[2]) in masks) and (int(b[3]) in masks) and (int(b[0]) >= int(b[1]) >= int(b[2]) >= int(b[3])):
                print ("\nThe subnet mask is INVALID! Please retry!\n")
############# Application #1 - Part #2 #############

        #Algorithm for subnet identification, based on IP and Subnet Mask
        #Convert mask to binary string
        mask_octets_padded = []
        mask_octets_decimal = subnet_mask.split(".")
        #print mask_octets_decimal
        for octet_index in range(0, len(mask_octets_decimal)):
            #print bin(int(mask_octets_decimal[octet_index]))
            binary_octet = bin(int(mask_octets_decimal[octet_index])).split("b")[1]
            #print binary_octet
            if len(binary_octet) == 8:
            elif len(binary_octet) < 8:
                binary_octet_padded = binary_octet.zfill(8)
        #print mask_octets_padded
        decimal_mask = "".join(mask_octets_padded)
        #print decimal_mask   #Example: for => 11111111111111111111111100000000
        #Counting host bits in the mask and calculating number of hosts/subnet
        no_of_zeros = decimal_mask.count("0")
        no_of_ones = 32 - no_of_zeros
        no_of_hosts = abs(2 ** no_of_zeros - 2) #return positive value for mask /32
        #print no_of_zeros
        #print no_of_ones
        #print no_of_hosts
        #Obtaining wildcard mask
        wildcard_octets = []
        for w_octet in mask_octets_decimal:
            wild_octet = 255 - int(w_octet)
        #print wildcard_octets
        wildcard_mask = ".".join(wildcard_octets)
        #print wildcard_mask
        ############# Application #1 - Part #3 #############
        #Convert IP to binary string
        ip_octets_padded = []
        ip_octets_decimal = ip_address.split(".")
        for octet_index in range(0, len(ip_octets_decimal)):
            binary_octet = bin(int(ip_octets_decimal[octet_index])).split("b")[1]
            if len(binary_octet) < 8:
                binary_octet_padded = binary_octet.zfill(8)
        #print ip_octets_padded
        binary_ip = "".join(ip_octets_padded)
        #print binary_ip   #Example: for => 11000000101010000000001001100100
        #Obtain the network address and broadcast address from the binary strings obtained above
        network_address_binary = binary_ip[:(no_of_ones)] + "0" * no_of_zeros
        #print network_address_binary
        broadcast_address_binary = binary_ip[:(no_of_ones)] + "1" * no_of_zeros
        #print broadcast_address_binary
        net_ip_octets = []
        for octet in range(0, len(network_address_binary), 8):
            net_ip_octet = network_address_binary[octet:octet+8]
        #print net_ip_octets
        net_ip_address = []
        for each_octet in net_ip_octets:
            net_ip_address.append(str(int(each_octet, 2)))
        #print net_ip_address
        network_address = ".".join(net_ip_address)
        #print network_address
        bst_ip_octets = []
        for octet in range(0, len(broadcast_address_binary), 8):
            bst_ip_octet = broadcast_address_binary[octet:octet+8]
        #print bst_ip_octets
        bst_ip_address = []
        for each_octet in bst_ip_octets:
            bst_ip_address.append(str(int(each_octet, 2)))
        #print bst_ip_address
        broadcast_address = ".".join(bst_ip_address)
        #print broadcast_address
        #Results for selected IP/mask
        print ("\n")
        print ("Network address is: %s" % network_address)
        print ("Broadcast address is: %s" % broadcast_address)
        print ("Number of valid hosts per subnet: %s" % no_of_hosts)
        print ("Wildcard mask: %s" % wildcard_mask)
        print ("Mask bits: %s" % no_of_ones)
        print ("\n")
        ############# Application #1 - Part #4 #############
        #Generation of random IP in subnet
        while True:
            generate = input("Generate random ip address from subnet? (y/n)")
            if generate == "y":
                generated_ip = []
                #Obtain available IP address in range, based on the difference between octets in broadcast address and network address
                for indexb, oct_bst in enumerate(bst_ip_address):
                    #print indexb, oct_bst
                    for indexn, oct_net in enumerate(net_ip_address):
                        #print indexn, oct_net
                        if indexb == indexn:
                            if oct_bst == oct_net:
                                #Add identical octets to the generated_ip list
                                #Generate random number(s) from within octet intervals and append to the list
                                generated_ip.append(str(random.randint(int(oct_net), int(oct_bst))))
                #IP address generated from the subnet pool
                #print generated_ip
                y_iaddr = ".".join(generated_ip)
                #print y_iaddr
                print ("Random IP address is: %s" % y_iaddr)
                print ("\n")
                print ("Ok, bye!\n")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print ("\n\nProgram aborted by user. Exiting...\n")
#Calling the function


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